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Hidden Disabilities
Fort Kinnaird has launched the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower Scheme, to support more than 10 million people living in the UK that have a hidden disability.
The scheme is designed to help ensure Fort Kinnaird is accessible to all visitors by raising awareness of the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower, which is used to discreetly indicate to people around the wearer that they may need additional support, help or a little more time. Our team have all been trained to recognise the meaning behind the sunflower.
Sensory Backpacks
We understand that for people with sensory, autism spectrum conditions or additional needs a visit to a busy shopping centre like ours can be a daunting experience. To make your visit as comfortable and enjoyable as possible we’ve introduced free sensory backpacks which you can collect, as well as a free complimentary visual social story to download. You can read more about this on information page on our website.
Changing Places
To use the toilet in safety and comfort, many people need to be able to access a Changing Places, which have more space and the right equipment, including a height adjustable changing bench and a hoist. Our Changing Places facility is situated next to Currys PC World by the Management Suite.
Accessible Toilets
We have Accessible toilets in the centre which are shown on the map.
Accessible Parking
Fort Kinnaird has disabled bays throughout the centre in front of most stores and restaurants.
Other Ways We Can Help